Category: Life Style
What is Chicory Root?
If you’ve looked outside your window while traveling along the highway, you’ve probably seen the pretty, blue, daisy-like chicory flower, a perennial herb that grows in many areas of the country. Inulin is the energy storage in those roots, that make the plant grow the next year.
Top Ten Reasons to Love Chicory Root Fibers
Did you know that…
Closing the Fiber Gap
Weight Management: The Balance Between Intake and Output
In early 2016, listed more than 20 new diet and weight-loss books coming to a shopping cart near you, including:
The Role of Prebiotic Fibers in Your Health
Most of us learned in high school biology that the colon plays an essential role in our digestive system. What most people don’t realize, however, is that the colon is also one of the most important participants in the immune system because it houses the body’s largest microbiota colony.
The Chicory Root Fiber “Cleanse”
It’s no secret that many of us are stopped up. In fact, according to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, about 42 million Americans are chronically constipated, making this one of the most common gastrointestinal problems in the United States.
Fiber and Calcium
Chicory Root Fibers and Healthy Bones Many of us grew up with the ubiquitous advertising tag-line – Milk Builds Strong Bones. This claim was made by the American Dairy Association because dairy products
Managing Blood Sugar with Fiber
Chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes need daily management, which requires many of us to become our own healthcare provider. If it is diabetes you are managing, the first thing you learn is that you need to watch your carbohydrate intake
Explaining the Fiber Gap
Fiber is one of our essential nutrients. In fact, fiber is so important that experts recommend eating plenty of it – 38 grams per day for adult men and 25 grams per day for women. Yet, a fiber gap exists between the recommended daily intake and what we typically eat on an average day.
Finding The Right Fiber for Your Infant
Much has been said recently (in both science and popular media) about the importance of a healthy microbiome–referring to the microscopic community of bacteria, both good and bad, that we host in our bodies throughout our lives.